FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Announcing #ExposeBillGates International Day of Action Every 2nd Saturday of Every Month Until the End of the New Normal On June 13, 2020, hundreds of thousands of people from around the world participated in the first ever #ExposeBillGates Day of Action. The event was a success with #ExposeBillGates trending all day on Twitter, information about Bill Gates’ agenda being translated in several languages, hundreds of protests and outreach events, and mainstream outlets taking notice. Now, it’s time to do it again. In late July, Bill Gates crawled out of his basement to make numerous media appearances. Gates is now calling for multiple doses of vaccines, closing school till Fall 2021, and more lockdowns. We must continue to expose Gates and the agenda he represents. WHAT: A non-partisan coalition of alternative media organizations and activist groups are calling for an International Day of Action to #ExposeBillGates, his control agenda, and the Predator Class he represents. This international Day of Action will take place every 2nd Saturday of every month. Throughout 2020, billionaire Bill Gates has been promoted as the savior to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although he is lauded as a hero, Gates has been a force of disruption and shaky science. Gates made numerous media appearances calling for extended lock downs, contact tracing surveillance, digital certificates to travel and work, and announced his intention to vaccinate 7 billion people. Gates’ family also has ties to discredited eugenics science and believes billionaires like him should help reduce the world’s population. The truth is Bill Gates hides a darker agenda. It’s time to #ExposeBillGates and expose his agenda. Together we can shine the light on Gates’ true intentions and change the course of humanity. (For those who might be new to this information we recommend watching The Bill Gates documentary series from The Corbett Report and/or reading The Bill Gates investigation from The Last American Vagabond.) WHEN: Join us on every 2nd Saturday as we spread the word about Bill Gates’ agenda. We encourage everyone interested to organize and host documentary screenings, share articles, pass out flyers, drop banners, and share on social media using the hashtag #ExposeBillGates. We encourage everyone to share accurate and credible information about Gates’ goals. This is a non-partisan event and activists from all sides of the political spectrum are welcome. #ExposeBillGates Day is being organized by The Conscious Resistance Network, The Corbett Report, The Last American Vagabond,Activist Post, The Free Thought Project, The Anti Media, We Are Change, and Wake Up News. If you represent an alternative/independent media channel or website and would like to be involved please get in touch. CONTACT: Derrick Broze / HOW TO GET INVOLVED!!! Organize an event in your city! Host a documentary screening, hit the streets with flyers, and banners, and talk to people! Organize an online event or spend the day spamming your social media feeds with the hashtag #ExposeBillGates #ExposeMelindaGates #ExposeThePredatorClass To help spread the word about #ExposeBillGates Day please make this image your profile pic on all social media. Download these flyers for sharing, editing, etc! Start here And here are a few more templates: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 sex việt