“The Conscious Resistance” the book coming in 2015! Derrick Broze November 6, 2014 3524 The Conscious Resistance Network founder Derrick Broze and writer John Vibes are currently working on a forthcoming book that will explore the synthes... Read More...
How to live what you believe in part 2 Francis A November 5, 2014 3757 This is part of a series of articles examining how to live your values. Francis asks us to become more mindful in our pursuit of a pleasant, peaceful ... Read More...
The Exodus Collective and the Butterfly Effect TCRN November 5, 2014 13063 TCRN writer Damon Shaw takes a look at the Exodus Collective of the UK and the power of leading by example. As you know we are all at our own level... Read More...
I AM FREE TCRN November 3, 2014 6967 I think, therefore I am an anarchist. I live, therefore I own myself. “You don’t think!” cries the doubter. “Anarchy is chaos.” proclaims the autho... Read More...
A Short Message to a Statist TCRN October 31, 2014 4279 Dear Statist, How are you? Is everything going okay? I understand you have a big day coming up, an election day and you're itching to do your civ... Read More...
How To Live What You Believe In part 1 Francis A October 31, 2014 5269 Choosing Perspective Over External Conditions part 1 The problem with our world today is not that people believe in things that are bad. Th... Read More...
Price Gauging: The Economic Fallacy Of Emergency Situations Danilo Cuellar October 27, 2014 4058 According to Learn Liberty the term price gouging is defined as “raising prices on certain kinds of goods to an unfair or excessively high level dur... Read More...
State Manufactured Ebola Hysteria Danilo Cuellar October 23, 2014 3831 I did not want to write about Ebola since I typically tend to avoid discussing issues that are plastered all over the lame-stream media however this h... Read More...
Learn From Everyone But Be Your Own Teacher John Vibes October 17, 2014 4943 Throughout most of the world, people are taught to look at their society in a very polarized way. When certain issues are presented to us through main... Read More...
Former CNN Journalist Amber Lyon talks Ayahuasca, and Healing Derrick Broze October 15, 2014 5450 On May 10, 2014 the Free and Equal Debate Foundation held the historic United We Stand Festival at the Belasco Theater in LA . The event was packed fu... Read More...
We Need Government Like A Man Needs A Tapeworm Danilo Cuellar October 15, 2014 5036 What would the world look like if hard work was rewarded and sociopathy was punished? What would the world look like if savers were rewarded with incr... Read More...
The Importance Of The Inner Child John Vibes September 23, 2014 4964 Throughout the course of our lives, we develop a lot of baggage from the various environments that we encounter. We come into this world as pure souls... Read More...
Why are Psychedelics Schedule I Drugs? Tryp Tamine September 10, 2014 17955 Growing up, many people remember being told stories about the dangers of drugs and why they are harmful. Among the most "dangerous" class of drugs wer... Read More...
Decentralize Everything: 5 Reasons Why The End of Statism is Inevitable Jeffer Thomason September 1, 2014 8016 If you read my last article you will know that since I started thinking in terms of 'what if' rather than 'what is' I have become very optimistic abou... Read More...
1033 and the LARGEST County in the Country Neil 'Liberty' Radimaker August 28, 2014 4437 As most of you should know by now, there is a program where government stockpiles of military surplus are being pawned off to local...
First LSD Study in 50 Years Begins in UK John Vibes August 21, 2014 4400 The first scientific study on LSD in the UK in over 40 years was recetly announced by a team of researchers at the Imperial College in London. The ... Read More...
Grover Norquist Is Going to Burning Man John Vibes August 13, 2014 3857 Grover Norquist, one of the few remotely sane individuals in the political arena, recently made an announcement that he was going to be attending this... Read More...
Stop Lying to Yourself TCRN July 28, 2014 4134 Do you know what happening in your own town? Do you have a clue about what is going on? Why do we choose to neglect truth and continue to be “polit... Read More...