Spirituality Is Not Compatible With Human Language John Vibes July 21, 2014 4203 We live in a world where everything is categorized and labeled, this helps us make sense our lives and the things around us. This way of looking at t... Read More...
The Friday Five: Five Ways You Could Be More Awake (And Happy) Jeffer Thomason July 14, 2014 13317 Only by being the change you want to see in the world will you become more confident, more focused, more independent and ready to blaze a true path to freedom.
The Struggle Is Real, But Try To Enjoy The Ride John Vibes July 14, 2014 4597 Every second that we experience, every struggle and success that we encounter is a part of our story. Some of the problems that we encounter are tragedies, and this is a sad fact of life, but they are also opportunities to make things better.
Indigenous Cultures Declare Independence Against Empire John Vibes July 6, 2014 4003 For thousands of years an open genocide has been taking place against various indigenous cultures. The individuals within these cultures who refused ... Read More...
Embrace the Undocumented Humans TCRN July 6, 2014 6058 Why so much hate!? What is going on? Sadly so much propaganda on TV can persuade the viewers emotions and actions. It's another form of mind contr... Read More...
Contact in the desert 2014 Neil 'Liberty' Radimaker June 17, 2014 6864 With the influx of public interest seemingly peaking sometime around the 1940s, modern society is now saturated with UFO information, theorists, and researchers.
The True Cost of Pot in Texas Tryp Tamine May 13, 2014 3856 (TCRN) Tryp Tamine Using Marijuana recreationally in a state like Texas costs the user quite a bit, even considering street price of a gram has dro... Read More...
To obey, or not to obey Neil 'Liberty' Radimaker May 7, 2014 6141 As a staunch advocate for liberty, agorism and natural law, I am a person who has developed a deep understanding in the laws outlined in the US Consti... Read More...
Particles and Waves Rahul Kanwar April 30, 2014 15932 (TCRN) Rahul Kanwar There's an interesting video made by the South Park creators of one of Alan Watts' monologues about particles and waves called ... Read More...
Molyneux’s Inconsistency Rahul Kanwar April 9, 2014 5786 (TCRN) Rahul Kanwar Molyneux argues for an anarcho-capitalist utopian society, but more importantly than his politics are his views on family and t... Read More...
Capitalism? Whats that? Neil 'Liberty' Radimaker April 4, 2014 4336 Capitalism is a term that has been the subject of ongoing debate among scholars, with no clear consensus on its precise definition or how it should be... Read More...
Telepathy TCRN March 4, 2014 4427 My wife and I sometimes play a telepathy game called Guess What I Want to Eat. One day, after work, we were driving home together when I decided t... Read More...
The Argument for Panarchism Rahul Kanwar March 2, 2014 7659 This essay will focus on the two largest philosophical movements, American libertarianism (or the libertarian right) and European libertarianism (or the libertarian left).
Mind Outside of The Brain TCRN February 23, 2014 5604 (TCRN) By Bruce King, D.C. "One can no more hope to find consciousness by digging into the brain than one can find gravity by digging into the ear... Read More...
Defeating the Alpha Male Rahul Kanwar February 20, 2014 6684 (TCRN) Rahul Kanwar Anarchism as a philosophy in varying contexts has existed since before the Civil War. The idea that all people should be com... Read More...
Why We Occupy Sam Wagner February 16, 2014 3735 (TCRN) By: Sam Wagner It makes me happy to see you are here reading this. If you made it to this website it demonstrates to me the many threads ... Read More...
Evolution of the Self Rahul Kanwar February 11, 2014 4230 (TCRN) By: Rahul Kanwar Few among the masses know just how different the modern western citizen is from the rest of humanity. This is part of a ... Read More...
Premonitions TCRN February 10, 2014 9734 (TCRN) By Bruce King, D.C. My friend stood by the door and waved goodbye. "See you later Dr. Bruce." I looked at her with a smile and... Read More...