BGcHCMUniHoDaily Affirmation #2: Choose Self-Forgiveness Derrick Broze October 22, 2014 3525 Text to Audio Player Daily Affirmation for October 22, 2014 Today we are going to give thanks and affirm self-forgiveness It’s important for us to remember to forgive and love ourselves knowing that the sooner we work on and love ourselves the sooner we can amplify and emanate that energy out into the world and create a ripple effect. So here we go, take a deep breath! Today, in this moment I am filled with gratitude for my path and the lessons presented to me. I choose to see any and all hardships as temporary and as opportunities for growth. I forgive myself for my past mistakes and flaws. I can and I am becoming better, stronger, and more compassionate with each passing moment. I understand that life is a constant learning experience. I see Any bumps in the road as possibilities for alternative outcomes. I remain committed to my path as a beautiful, free, independent human being. I choose to remain open to the lessons that manifest on my path. I remember that I am the master of my own life and the creator of my destiny. Today I choose…. Audio download: sex việt