Fact-Checking The Fact Checkers: Is the CoviPass Fake News? Derrick Broze August 20, 2020 2539 Text to Audio Player (Note: Back in 2020, Derrick Broze was breaking down fake news in real time, dissecting the claims of fact checkers. In the years since COVID1984, it’s become clear his warnings about digital passports or digital IDs were correct.) Derrick Broze breaks down yet another BS fact check from Facebook relating to the discussions of a COVID19 immunity passport. Watch on Bitchute / Hive COVIPass This is Why You Can’t Trust the Fact Checkers October 2018: Who’s Behind the ongoing Alt/Indy Media Purge? October 2018: Is the Purge of Independent Media a Coordinated Attack by the Military Industrial Complex? Support our work AND get a free ounce of Kratom to help with fatigue, stress, addiction, and pain: http://broze.freeounceofkratom.com Please help us advance truth, healing, community building, and empowering the people to wake up and build a better world: https://www.Patreon.com/DerrickBroze https://paypal.me/consciousresistance Support via crypto: Invest The Conscious Resistance Network can be found here: TCRN 3.0 https://www.bitchute.com/theconsciousresistance https://flote.app/ConsciousResistance https://www.Minds.com/TheConsciousResistanceNetwork https://hive.blog/@dbroze Discord channel: https://discord.gg/tQrNTYS Join our text list for direct updates: https://www.remind.com/join/dbjourno3 Join Derrick Broze’s Daily News on Telegram: https://t.me/dbrozenews The Conscious Resistance Network is an independent media organization focused on empowering individuals through education, philosophy, health, and community organizing. We work to create a world where corporate and state power does not rule over the lives of free human beings.