Text to Audio Player The Conscious Resistance Network Presents Imprisoned While Innocent: The Daniel Villegas Story Recorded and Narrated by Derrick Broze (Originally Released on May 22, 2014) (TCRN) In April 1993 Robert England and Armando Lazo were shot dead in the border town of El Paso, Texas. At that time Daniel Villegas was a 16 year old teenager also living in El Paso. Daniel reportedly claimed to have killed the men and was arrested shortly after. While in police custody Daniel was questioned without parental consent or a lawyer present, he says he was threatened and coerced into making a confession. In 1995 he was found guilty of capital murder and sentenced to life in prison. While Daniel was in prison local businessman John Mimbela lead the fight to free him and in January 2014, after nearly 19 years in lock up, Daniel was released on bond. While in El Paso I caught up with Daniel and John to hear their story… sex việt