LUA Radio 5.15.16: “Rights” with Darrell Becker Shane Radliff June 1, 2016 3939 Text to Audio Player On this broadcast of Liberty Under Attack Radio, we took a small digression away from the direct action series, but it was still relevant. That said, we were joined by Darrell Becker to discuss the concept of “rights”: Do they exist? If so, what are their implications? Has the grammar part of the Trivium been completed by those that use this term? We went on a few digressions during the show, but I believe they were necessary and added to the overall discussion. Show Notes: Darrell’s Website: Check out the FUDA: Support LUA through Patreon: Sign-up for LUA email updates: For more great content like this, please consider donating to Liberty Under Attack. Alternatively, sign up for a free trial through Audible, receive a free audiobook, and help support us in the process. Lastly, make sure to sign up for LUA email updates. Please consider a monthly donation through Patreon as well and get rewarded for your support of LUA! sex việt